Unified Sports Chooses to Include All
Story by Sophie Daly ’25

Unified Sports is a team that embodies inclusion and promotes strong friendships between all.  All year they have been advocating for inclusion with fundraisers, spirit weeks, and enthusiastic practices. Our team has practiced once a week throughout the spring season and ends the year with kickball games against other schools’ unified friends.  

They attend the Field of Dreams, an all-inclusive playground for games that are made for all students with any physical capabilities, and then the annual Brick vs. Brick games were held on Wednesday, May 29th, at our own base at Veterans Memorial Elementary School.  Despite being opponents on the field, the teams unite as one as they display remarkable sportsmanship and community.

 Teachers, administrators, families, and friends of all around Brick came to watch our teams play together and win together. The stands overflowed with supporters who chose to be included while cheerleaders celebrated our teams as they played their hearts out. The smiling faces and laughter of everyone at the field were the best part of the night. 

It began with the pledge to include and ended with friendships formed from a night to remember. The team was driven by Mrs. Panucci, Mrs. Lupo, Mrs. Jablonsky, and co-captains Chaelie McDonald and Alex Parlacosi. Some of the teammates who demonstrated incredible athletic prowess and sportsmanship throughout the game were Josh Saul, Sarah Malvasio, Keira Fahnholz, Bella Seibert, Collin Tobin, Isaac Morgan, Maryanna Vanderhoop, Aiden LaBruno, Alex Parlacosi, and Danny Iacullo. We wish luck to all the graduating seniors and hope they exemplify the values they learned through this experience.   We were thankful to have everyone there helping out with this great event but most importantly those dedicated to their team and playing their best. They are the Change Makers.

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