Annually, the Veterans of Foreign War hold a speech competition.

Each year, students at both BMHS and BTHS are given a prompt where students are to write and record a 3-5 minute audio of an original speech. This year’s theme was America: Where Do We Go From Here?  With help from the public speaking teacher, Ms. Barbara Stansbury, students work tirelessly writing multiple drafts, editing, practicing, starting over, practicing for peers, using feedback, and writing more until finally, they record their final speech, hoping to be recognized by our local post 8867.
This year, both the top two speakers were Mustangs.  We are so happy to congratulate first place winner Rebecca So and second place winner Melanie Hiotis.  Both young ladies are members of our senior class.
In addition to a cash scholarship, these young ladies will receive a plaque and will move on to the next level of competition, where they will compete against all students in Ocean County.
Congratulations, ladies!  Thank you for giving us another reason to be proud Mustangs!
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