Story by Sophie Daly

Back To School Night was a successful night for Brick Memorial High School staff, parents, and students! It was a night where parents got to walk around the school to all their children’s classes, meet their teachers, and explore an activity fair that many clubs participated in. There were Student Government Association members in the halls to guide parents and assist in whatever needed. The Brick Memorial Key Club hosted the annual Chili Cook-Off for parents and staff to enjoy and all donations went towards Alzheimer’s. 

The Activity Fair gave parents an opportunity to see what is going on in the school and what the students at Brick Memorial were involved in. There were bake sales from the Bowling Team and the Italian Honor Society. Clubs include, but are not limited to, Academic Challenge, Mock Trial, Green Team, French Honor Society, Multicultural Club, Pre-med Club, Art Club, and ROTC. 

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